Sunday, January 10, 2010

January CTMH gathering project

Since I am out of work for the time being I'm actually ahead of schedule preparing the project for my January Close to my Heart gathering. For January I am going to show how to make "easel cards". They mail & look like a card but the top folds up for display. Here is a sample easel card I made.

Here is a side view.

I wanted to kick it up a notch so I made it into a desk display. I added a Flip Flap on top so that a photo can be added, and changed as desired. On the bottom I added post-it notes and a calendar. I hope my group will enjoy this project.

Here is a sample with a picture. As it's Cory's 3rd Birthday today I put in an adorable picture of him (of course he only takes adorable pictures).

While I was at it I covered my store bought address book that needed decorating.

And with all of the scraps I put the puzzle pieces together to start a 2 page layout.

Let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Katie Glathar said...

Hi MOM! sorry it has taken me this long to look at your blog. I am REALLY excited about the project. Have you found someone with a laptop yet? I love your new address book... looks SO good. Love the new layout from scraps. I need some craft time....